Saturday, February 28, 2009

It is a Journey - resolution is overrated.

Lenten Journey 2009 02 28
It is with regret that I write to you today my friend; I feel that I may have misled you with my previous post. In my effort to share my struggle, I believe I left much of the argument undone. I may have understated the length of the battle. In addition, gave an impression that the struggle is easily defeated.

Please let me clarify; forgiveness is a weapon in the battle and the battle is constant. For humanity, it has always been a struggle within our human nature and will always be due to our human nature. It continues and is not always resolved, yet like a battle it will ebb and flow. It will be vicious and violent and there will be moments of calm, almost a resolve. There are dark, cold and smoky moments and yet moments when the thick mist clears and briefly the sun warms the battleground. Make no mistake, at least for me, it is a continual struggle, yet with forgiveness, there are more opportunities for peace, clarity and warmth. We are human. Jesus Christ in human form, forgave unconditionally and yet we know of his struggles while in human form. He asked for guidance from the Father, he asked for help. So, realize that is why we need His help during our struggles.

Life has struggles and will always have struggles. The struggle may be small like a disagreement or a transgression observed. It may be a more significant battle as in a dispute that lacks resolve with an unknown human or it may be full out war that is violent. The point, due to human nature we all struggle; you and I are instructed to use forgiveness, compassion and kindness to mitigate the struggle and not let the struggle distract from our walk with Lord.

Recently at a gathering I attended, a more experienced woman, related to the group a struggle that confronted her family. It was a conflict related to inter-faith marriage and within which faith to raise the children. It created considerable debate that was becoming destructive. The matriarch of the family finally spoke, she said, “all we have to do and will do, is to love them, love them and love them”. How powerful is that statement? This is not an attempt to again, as I did in my previous post, to simplify the complexity of the conflict; it is simply, an illustration of peace.

I know that within the blog I will not resolve the discussion that many before had and many more to come will have related to forgiveness. You should realize it is complex as the nature of humanity and been discussed in detail throughout the history of man. Yet there is peace in forgiveness, there is courage in forgiveness and there is kindness in forgiveness. Let it be a part of your life, I am trying to let it be a bigger part of mine. Ask for the help.

Remember forgiveness allows for clarity, peace and warmth. You and I are the beneficiaries of our own forgiveness that is given. It strengthens each of us in our walk with God. Forgiveness is not approval of another’s actions or thoughts, it is not our condoning another’s transgression; it is the forgiveness that allows us to turn it over to God for resolution. It is His to judge, it is not ours.

Therefore, love them, love them, love them and then let it be.

1 comment:

  1. mmmmm I like that. God has given you much wisdom over the years.
